Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coronavirus Epicenter USA: A View from Seattle

When just 3 weeks ago I wrote about 2020 being a year of firsts, I did not anticipate that we would soon start experiencing our first global pandemic in over a century.

Welcome to uncharted territory. Nobody on the planet has lived through what's happening now.

I'll admit to simmering anxiety in this surreal, vaguely dystopian new reality here in Seattle. Sometimes it boils up to the surface, like last week when I was working a ton of overtime, juggling three projects on top of each other, and reading doomsday scenarios.

But since I stopping reading all the scary stuff and started getting outside more and taking long walks, things are back in balance. Seeing the new season begin to unfurl with bursts of exquisite spring green has been a wonder and a balm.

In the last year I read a few books that focused on the health benefits of being in the woods and in nature. I'm definitely leaning on regular doses of Vitamin N (nature) and O (outdoors) for sustenance.

Between almost daily walks near my home and weekly wild swimming plunges, life feels relatively normal, if quieter. But then, I've worked from home for years, so my normal routine hasn't been upended that much. Just a lot less socializing out.

While the brunt of what is happening hasn't hit me full force, and to this point none of my friends or family have been affected, we'll see in the weeks ahead.

But the simplicity of dialing back my often hectic life of running around town and beyond, trying to do as much as possible, is actually an interesting time out. Going down to the beach near my home to watch the sunset when the skies are fully or partially clear is a highlight now. 

for me, there are some upsides to the current situation: 

  • I foresee finally being able to use those many nice hand lotions I've received as gifts to soothe my chapped, frequently washed hands. :)
  • I'm losing weight because of the long walks and cooking healthy meals rather than eating out regularly.
  • Been seeing lots of neighbors, physical and virtual, reach out with kind offers to help those older and infirm. 

Of course I don't want to belittle the pain of those who have lost loved ones. We can only hope that "social distancing" and more such measures will slow down the spread and, ultimately, stop it. 

And also taking a big hit are restaurants, arts venues, and more. Seattle's vibrant restaurant and cafe scene is already seeing closures.  Today I spent more $$ than I normally would at two bakeshops (Preserve & Gather and Coyle's Bakeshop)  and family-owned Taki's Mad Greek Restaurant, where the proprietor was clearly stressed at the huge dropoff in business and catering orders.

So far, for me, it's the solace of nature and watching the season transition from winter to almost spring that's helping the most. And of course talking to family and friends.

So please be mindful, follow all the sensible suggestions for cleaning, and take good care of yourself. Humor is a good thing too. (A friend told me that Seattle's homegrown pizza chain Pagliacci's was offering a special COVID-19 pizza with 19 toppings. He had me for a second.)

How are you? I'd love to hear how you are coping/feeling. I promise I'll check for comments and respond within a day or less!

Happy trails and thanks for visiting Pacific Northwest Seasons! 

In between blog posts, visit Pacific NW Seasons on FaceBookTwitter, and Instagram for more Northwest photos and outdoors news. 


Carol Owens said...

you are spot on about bit Vitamin N and O.
My Magic Deck with its front seat to all things bird, keeps my head out of the infoscare. We are sheltering at home; but have been since Bob’s bout with septicemia last spring. being very susceptible to infection, we saw few folks, rarely went out except for short trips to market. i take advantage Thive market —& daily give thanks for Orcas farms and caring. sharing community.
i’m surprised you go out at all, but no doubt are keeping the recommend 6’ distance from a
and as you are, we are enjoying the respite; a prolongation of winter’s opportunity for indoor doins’;
making leaping bounding strides writing my new
book. sitting in the sun of a chilly afternoon, sheltered in the lee, and watching hummers engage in mating foreplay.
Full of gratitude for family, friends, Orcas..amd
the gift of life. waking each day to the gift of another 24 hours.
call when you like , we’ll catch up.
luv n hugs. may you be well.

Patti said...

Thanks for this Jill!

In the time of corona, it's self imposed rest and recharging. Maybe natures way of forcing us in a cruel way.

One positive change is definitely slowing down, and for me, doing a lot of art projects, writing and organizing of my stuff. Creativity takes me inside when I can be in the flow. I'm also going to be reading more.

For Amelia the seven weeks during her junior year which is the most stressful year for a high schooler is a gift among this tragic time. Trying to see some positive

Maybe I can join you for a walk after I get a few things taken care of ... hopefully surgery but it's looking like Swedish is cancelling anything that isn't life-threatening. May we all be well physically and mentally.

jill said...

Carol, thanks for your lovely words! Yea I'm going to try and cut back on going out, but a friend staying with me will have none of this scaling back. All I can do is ask him to wash his hands as soon as he comes in the door and touches anything. I look forward to my next trip to Orcas, whenever that might be! And yes going to start calling people more when my work and tex overload lighten up. Hugs 'n love back!

jill said...

Patti, yea for the art projects! I'd love to get out for a walk. Thinking of you all and wishing good health for us all! Sending hugs and love.

Anne Johnson said...

I just read something online from a national newspaper, maybe the Washington Post, that our youngest infants and children seem to be more immune to it than older folks. Thank heavens for that. Having just taken a walk with my dog, I can truly say that outside is better than inside right now!


jill said...

Oh thanks for your comment Suezy, I can imagine you doing those puzzles and walking Zoi in the rain. That's actually disturbing that ammo sales are skyrocketing! Yes, watching and reading too much is not good, I can feel it in my body. To that end, Blue Heron has gone online with their practices and yesterday 25 people logged on for Sunday morning! I did this morning, practicing with people in Michigan, Poland, and here. Take good care and thinking of you and Dan. xo